Tantra means to weave, and tantric massage works to weave together your inner and outer world and deepening your sence of presence and authentic self. You get to experience receiving loving touch in a relaxed and soft, yet intensely powerful way.
Tantric energy is life force energy, which runs through all living beings, humans and trees alike. During tantric massage you connect to your life force energy, noursishing you in a rejuventating way, and loading your batteries with power you get to carry with you out into the rest of your world afterwards.
Maybe with a little more acceptance of your body and self? Maybe even filled with more joy?
How is that for a massage?
The experience is sensual and safe.
Your masseur is educated at Inner Life Tantra, which emphasizes tantra as a spiritual practise with a lineage based tradition of wisdom.
You're welcome to visit the masseur on Facebook or contact us for more information.
Please read this info sheet before booking a massage (in Norwegian)
It is possible to enjoy your massage in combination with sauna and out door hot tub,
giving you the the total Forest Spa experience.
You can also book tantric massasge at our separate studio in Holmestrand.

"Tantric massage felt incredibly good, and I got filled up with energy!"
Silje, 42

"JK is an incredibly talented tantric masseur. He made me feel intensely present in my body. I felt blockages dissolve during the massage and got a feeling of coming home to myself. Magic!"
Kristin, 44

“I immediately felt safe and well taken care of. Afterwards I was more calm and fully present in my body.”
Elin, 41

Avalible dates for Tantric massage
Business hours: Weekdays 18:00 - 21:00 & Weekends 10:00 - 20:00
Tantric massage is offered in our studio at Indal farm, Gjøvik and in a studio in Holmestrand.

Regular week schedule
Tuesdays - Holmestrand
Thursdays - Gjøvik
Fridays - Gjøvik
Saturdays - Gjøvik
Sundays - Gjøvik
Subject to change and availability.
Please contact us for booking.
Kort om tantra
En forklaring på ordet tantra er å veve. Det forstås som å veve sammen det indre og det ytre livet, det feminine og det maskuline, det fysiske og det spirituelle. Mange i vesten assosierer tantra med sex. Dette er
på ingen måte en gal assosiasjon, for innen tantra er vi åpne for at både kroppen, sjelen, hjertet, hjernen, tankene og følelsene er er likeverdige deler av mennesket, samt at seksuallivet vårt er en viktig del av livet. Det fortjener ikke å være undertrykket og tabubelagt.
Mange opplever at tantrisk tankegang, metoder og livsstil kan løfte seksuallivet til gourmetnivå!
Dog handler tantra om så mye mer enn det. Tantra er en tradisjonsrik og urgammel livsvisdom som kan
berøre og påvirke hele livet. Tantra er en indre prosess som handler om å utvikle deg selv, din spiritualitet og kjærlighetsevne. Altså å bruke den sterke og skapende livskraften i oss til noe mer enn sex.